Spaghetti Aglio e Olio Spaghetti Aglio e Olio is the most popular Italian Pasta dish and the simplest to make . It has it’s roots in Naples but has spread all over Italy and now the world. The dish is made by lightly sautéing sliced, minced or pressed garlic in olive oil. And some dried red pepper […]
Quick Easy Italian Sausage Dinner – Mediterranean Diet
Quick Easy Italian Sausage Dinner You can find lots of different ways to enjoy Italian Sausage. From sausage and peppers to calzones and everything in between. This recipe is a quick and easy version of the traditional sausage with marinara sauce and pasta. We had a Caprese Salad with our Quick Easy Italian Sausage Dinner. […]
Shrimp Scampi with Sautéed Spinach – and Penne Pasta
Shrimp Scampi with Pasta and Sautéed Spinach I timed just how long it took me to get this Italian Shrimp Scampi on the table. It took me twenty two minutes. That included the penne pasta and turning a couple of slices of Poppop’s easy homemade bread (that I keep in the freezer) into garlic bread. It’s […]
Chicken Cacciatore – It’s Easy!
Chicken Cacciatore Chicken Cacciatore translated from the Italian Cacciatore means hunter. It originated as something that hunters would make while out on a quest. I’ve read that it was first done with rabbit that was nabbed while on the hunt. Then as time passed it started to be done with chickens back home. […]